Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Stimulants: Ritalin and its Friends

Recently, a mother accused me of being anti-medication.  She

looked at ADD ADHD Advances and saw that I discussed natural

treatments and concluded I must be against medication.  I told

the mother that she was mistaken. 

"In How to Help the Child You Love, I devoted several

sections to the appropriate use of medications.  The problem

is that very often, the medicines aren't being used properly. 

"If your child is having negative side effects from Ritalin

or Dexedrine or any of the other ADHD medications, I

discuss at great length in How to Help the Child You Love,

why that is and what you should do to eliminate those side


"For example, let's say the medicines don't control the

ADHD properly.  Or say the medicine does help, but your

child has trouble sleeping or has stomach problems.  What

if your child has terrible mood swings or rebound affects? 

What if your child develops tics?  Someone who is

anti-medication would say, `I told you so' and then

recommend that your child have his auras readjusted or

something like that. 

"I don't do that," I explained.  "I devote a large section of

How to Help the Child You Love to explain what you can

do so that the medication will work without the side effects. 

No child should have these side effect," I told her.  "You can

get the medicines to work well." 

"So," I concluded, "I am clearly not anti-medication.  I just

discuss non-conventional treatments in

How to Help the Child You Love, because you as a parent

need to know all their options when you are trying to find the

right treatment for your child."  

Anyway, to dispel any other misconceptions that I am anti-medicine,

I have decided to write this article on medication for ADHD.

            ****The Stimulants:  Ritalin and its Friends****

Whenever you consider the proper approach to treating ADHD, drugs

are always on the agenda.  The reason is that they work.  They

work very well.  The current research shows that between 75-95%

of children improve on stimulant medication.  No other treatment,

whether conventional or alternative is that effective.  Because of

these results, methylphenidate, known commercially as Ritalin, has

become the treatment of choice for many patients with ADHD. 

Ritalin is but one of a number of short-term stimulants used to

treat ADHD. 

Ritalin and the other members of this group are central nervous

system stimulants.  They share many of the chemical and

pharmacological effects of cocaine.  These stimulants appear

to boost available levels of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine. 

Although it seems paradoxical that a stimulant would help a child

who has difficulty sitting still, this is in fact what they do.

The good news about these drugs is that they work very well. 

Stimulant medications are the most powerful means that we have to

control the symptoms ADHD. 

These drugs:

       Enhance attention

       Control impulsive behavior

       Improve physical coordination

       Reduce hyperactivity

       Reduce aggression

       Reduce disruptive behavior

       Decrease activity

       Improve peer acceptance

       Increase parental praise

These drugs are a godsend.  They give ADHD children and adults a

chance to function somewhat normally for at least a short time

during their day.  That's the good news.

The bad news is that they are short acting.  These drugs work

for only three to four hours.  There are some extended release

preparations that work longer. 

There is another problem.  Although the current recommendation is

that these drugs be used in conjunction with behavioral training

and other forms of psychotherapy, in practice this combination

is not so common.  It seems that the insurance companies don't

feel they should pay for this.

These drugs have side effects.  These include:




       Decreased appetite

       Rebound affects



       Growth retardation

       Stomach pains

Don't get scared.  The list looks long, but most lists of medication

side effects look like this or are even longer.  In fact, for those

of you who like reading Stephen King or gothic novels, you should

try reading the list of side effects of the medicines you are

taking.  Now that's frightening!

You can eliminate almost of the side effects of these medications

and still use them effectively.  What disturbs me is that I don't

see most physicians doing this, which I why I felt I had to explain

to you what you should do in How to Help the Child You Love.  In

this area, you definitely have to take charge of your child's care.


These drugs are safe.  Ritalin is the most studied of all psychiatric

medications.  It has been around since the 1933, and there is no

evidence of any long-term side effects or problems.  Does that mean

it's completely safe?  No.  However, I am much more comfortable

giving my child Ritalin, than some of the "natural" treatments that

have never been studied and whose long-term effects are completely



It is generally felt that we as a society are too free when it comes

to giving out Ritalin to our children.  1-2% of all children and 10%

of school-aged boys in the United States are on Ritalin.  The

International Narcotics Control Board observed that Americans consume

90% of the Ritalin in the world.  These numbers suggest that we as a

society are carelessly drugging our children. 

I am not well versed in social commentary, and I am not going to


my opinion on this issue.  But I would like to point out that it is

estimated that up to 15% of children have ADHD.  Ritalin and the

medications in this category are still the most effective proven way

of at least temporarily helping them with their problem.  Yet only

2% of the children are receiving the drug.  Are we, perhaps, under

treating our children? 


If your child is on Ritalin or one of the other stimulants, you


not despair.  It could be your child would benefit more from one of

the others treatments we will be discussing, but Ritalin is a good

start.  However, you as a parent should not sit back if there are

unpleasant side effects.  As we discussed before, there is a lot you

can do to get rid of them.  It is up to you to take charge and be

your child's advocate.


Anthony Kane, MD

ADD ADHD Advances

Anthony Kane, MD is a physician and international lecturer. Get
help for your ADHD child, including
( child
behavior advice, information on the latest
treatment, and help with
( Defiant
Share your views at the ( ADD ADHD Blog.
Sign up for the free ADD ADHD Advances online journal. Send an
email to:

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Training Your Dog To Lay Down On Command

Training your dog to obey commands is an important part of pet

ownership . When your dog is properly trained, it is much

easier for you to communicate with him and this enhances your

relationship. In addition to making him mind you, it may even

help save your pet from harm or danger.


Dogs want your praise, so using positive reinforcement when

training your dog or puppy is the best approach. Hitting or

yelling rarely works, and besides who wants to hit or yell at

their dog anyway?


The “down” or “lay down” command is one of the basic commands

and should be one of the first things you teach your dog once

he learns to sit on command. It is not hard to train a dog to

obey commands and once you have done one command, it gets even

easier as the process is basically the same for each. Here’s

some steps you can use to teach your dog to lay down on



1. Get the dog to sit (you should have already trained him in

this command)


2. Firmly give the “down” command while gently forcing his legs

out in front (this will cause him to lay down).


3. Give your dog praise. Show him you are really happy with

your voice and body language.


4. At first the dog will get right back up, but as time goes on

you can lengthen the time the dog stays in the down position by

waiting to give him praise.


5. Repeat three to five times at each session. Repetition is

important but you don’t want to do too much at one time. If you

really want to drill it in, you can have several sessions spaced

out throughout the day.


There’s more rewards than meets the eye with training your dog.

For one the dog gets used to listening to his name. He also will

get used to doing things on your command. All in all, training

strengthens your positions ­ you as leader and helps the dog

feel secure. Spend a couple of minutes each day training your

dog. This will help cement your friendship.
Get more dog training tips and find out which
dogs are easier to train at

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Training Your Dog To Sit

A poorly trained dog is a nuisance and can even be a danger to

himself and others. A properly trained dog, on the other had,

is a wonderful and pleasant companion. In addition to helping

you bond, it can even protect your pet from being hurt if he

listens and will come when called.


When training always remember that dogs respond best to

positive reinforcement ­ yelling at your dog and hitting him

will not accomplish the task, instead use rewards such as

treats and your approval ­ this will make the task much more

pleasant for both of you!


There is a common “process” to training, no matter what you

want the dog to do. They key is to get the dog to perform the

action and at that exact moment give the command for the

action, then praise the dog and reward him with a treat. After

a while, he will catch on and associate the action with the



Here’s some steps you can use to train your dog with the most

basic command ­ Sit.


1. The first thing you need to do is to get your puppy or dog

to associate the act of sitting with the command. To do this,

simply hang around with your dog and when he sits give the

“sit” command.


2. Getting down to your dogs level will allow you to present

his reward (treats) quicker so grab a handful of bite sized

treats and get down on the floor.


3. Bring the treat up over the dogs head. He will smell the

food and follow it with his nose. This action will cause him to

sit (or backup, but obviously we are hoping for the sitting



4. The key to the training is to present the reward at the

exact moment the dog sits, but you must also give the command

at that moment as well so that he associates command with

action. So as the dog sits, say “sit” and then immediately give

him the treat.


5. Give the dog praise ­ show joy in your voice and he will

really respond.


6. Repeat three to five times at each session but no more than

that. Training should be fun and not a boring chore so don’t

overdo it in one sitting. You may have several sessions

throughout the day.


When you spend the time to train your dog, you get much more

than just a dog that does some tricks. He loves to do things

with you. He learns to listen when you say his name. He gets

used to being with you and doing things on your initiative.

Through good training your position as leader is strengthened.

You should plan to spend a couple of minutes every day on

practicing his “tricks”. This type of repetitive reinforcement

will help him to remember and also create the bond between you.
Get more dog training tips and find out which
dogs are easier to train at

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Swinging! Will my spouse be interested?

How does one talk his/her spouse into living the Swinging Lifestyle?

More importantly, why would you want to?

Understanding that you desire to experience erotic, sexual encounters with others is quite apparent but as a couple both of you must desire the same.

Talking your spouse into sharing themselves as well as his/her soul mate with others sexually is not the same as talking them into pizza over chicken for dinner or a comedy over a drama flick for entertainment.

Casually bring up the subject of swinging to test the waters.

If a positive response is given, continue the conversation sharing your desires and why you feel the lifestyle is something that you both can enjoy together.

If you receive a negative response, do not push the issue. A pessimistic conversation could end in confrontation and hurt feelings.

Simply drop the subject and reinitiate it another time.

Be prepared to communicate informed. Don’t only paint a pretty picture, share all facets of the lifestyle with your spouse, good and bad.

This will indicate that you are not trying to talk them into this new experience but that you are simply considering embarking upon something new and different with them.

Never make the conversation about only your wants and desires, listen and hear what your spouse conveys as well.

Never cause an argument.

If you can’t communicate positively about possibly entering the lifestyle, you will not be able to live it successfully without pain and turmoil.

The Swinging Lifestyle can be such an awesome enhancement to a healthy relationship.

But, if it is not fun and exciting as well as fulfilling to your relationship, why involve yourselves in it?

Thanks for reading Gin's thought for the day! ~ Gin Gin is a Syndicated Columnist and Author for The Lifestyle and is featured on news sites across the world.

For more information on the Swinging lifestyle and Gin's latest book release,

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Friday, June 29, 2007

What disorders can acupuncture treat and how does it work?

How did acupuncture start?
The story was met with widespread disbelief.
During a visit to China in 1978, cardiologist Doctor Isadore Rosenfeld witnessed open-heart surgery on a patient, anaesthetised only with acupuncture. A major operation and the patient was awake! Nothing like it had ever been seen before in the west.

But acupuncture is over 5000 years old. There is evidence that it was practiced by the ancient Egyptians. South African tribesmen scratched their bodies to cure disease and the Eskimos used a simple form of acupuncture. In ancient China the Yellow Emperor's bible on internal medicine talks about the importance of acupuncture for curing disease and restoring health.

Today, in China and Taiwan there are over 232,000 traditional Chinese medical doctors practicing acupuncture. In America there are more than 8000 qualified acupuncturists, 16 acupuncture schools and 2 medical schools teaching acupuncture. As a treatment it's accepted and practiced worldwide.

What ailments can acupuncture treat?

Many people assume that acupuncture is used as a simple pain control technique. A technique where needles are inserted to interrupt the nerve pathways that send pain messages to the brain. But acupuncture is much more than this. It's designed to treat any malady and works to balance the energy of your entire body.

Based on clinical experience, it's known that acupuncture can treat a variety of respiratory, eye and mouth, gastro-intestinal, neurological and muscular disorders. It's especially effective on headaches, migraine and back pain.
Acupuncture is also used to stop smoking, lose weight, lower blood pressure, relive constipation, anxiety, insomnia, allergies, asthma and alleviate skin disorders.

How can it treat all these ailments? It works by 'unblocking' and balancing your energy 'circuits'. And unlike conventional drugs, there are only beneficial side-effects such as sleeping better, more energy, deeper breathing and many other bonuses.

How does acupuncture work?

Acupuncture means 'to puncture with a needle'. Fine, flexible needles, about the diameter of a human hair, are inserted into points along the principal meridians of your body.

Your body has a network of energy channels or 'meridians' in which your 'ki' flows. Each meridian is associated with a physiological system and internal organ.

There are 12 principal meridians that run the length of your body and each one has more than 350 acupuncture points. Acupuncture points are specific locations along the meridians. Inserting a needle into a point will 'unblock' or stimulate the energy flow through the meridian in a very predictable and measured way.

What happens during a treatment session?

Acupucture is all part of the philosophy and practice of TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine, which uses an intricate system of pulse and tongue diagnosis.

A qualified acupuncturist will also check the 'palpation' of the acupuncture points or meridians, your medical history and any other signs or symptoms of disorder.

The treatment is painless and insertion of the needles can feel like an insect bite or tiny prick. If you are sensitive you will feel warmth or energy flow and is often described as a 'buzz'.

Sometimes moxibustion is used to increase the heat effect at the insertion point. A Chinese herb, 'Moxa', is placed on the needle and lit. This can stimulate the blood flow as well as the 'chi'.

Is acupuncture safe?

Nobody can predict the changes that will occur. Your body will do what it needs to do to heal itself. But the healing process starts with skilful diagnosis and the correct stimulation of precise acupuncture points.

Acupuncture will often compliment traditional western medicine, and in the hands of a trained and properly qualified acupuncturist, you are perfectly safe. And for many people it is enjoyable too.

Although the Chinese may have enjoyed the benefits of acupuncture for many centuries, the legacy of discoveries by men such as Dr Isadore Rosenfeld means we can all benefit from this wonderful treatment.Terry Dunn writes regular articles on how to use alternative therapies to improve your health. From aromatherapy to yoga, discover what it's like, how it works and how you can benefit. To read more articles, visit his website,

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Hair Laser NYC Removal

Hair laser nyc removal is a relatively comfortable and safe method of getting rid of unwanted body hair. Whether it is your neck, chin, legs, back or any other part of the body you can resort to this process without any second thoughts. Both males and females have undergone this treatment with good results.

Hair laser nyc removal beats all other conventional methods hands down. It is best suited for those who are light skinned and have dark body hair. If you have a sun tan you should preferably avoid it. In this procedure a low- energy laser beam is directed to the area of treatment which is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle. You may develop redness or bumps after the treatment, but this is absolutely normal. Just an ice compress will help it go away in time. It is advisable to apply a moisturiser after hair laser nyc removal.

NYC has a large number of centers offering laser hair removal. Each center in NYC has certified and highly skilled specialists who deliver the results, thanks to this advanced technology. Personal attention and a caring attitude will help you do away with all fears and worries. For choosing the right center talk to those who have undergone hair laser nyc removal. They will give you the best guidance. The internet also has a great deal of information to serve your purpose.

You will find some centers giving you written warranties. If within the warranty period you see any re- growth of hair in the treated area, just consult with the specialists and they may give you another treatment absolutely free of cost depending upon their guarantee. But in most cases this situation does not arise. The laser hair removal centers in NYC are well equipped to give you the results that you have been looking for. Of course you may have to pay multiple visits to achieve that long- term desired result.

I can tell you for sure that hair laser nyc removal is the best way to get that smooth skin you always wanted.Laser Hair Removal - Discover laser hair removal information. Articles and resources for prices, cost, and treatments of laser hair removal in cities like New York, Washington DC, Toronto, and Dallas. Visit this site for the best in laser hair removal!

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Aspiring Internet Marketers - How To Attract Business To Your Site

Every day more and more people are realizing the great
potential in internet marketing. Internet marketing is a
booming industry and can make you money - if you are
willing to work for it. Potential internet marketers have
access to multiple sources of FRE'E training material. You
can learn the best techniques and business practices
practically FRE'E due to the numerous resources available
online. In turn, your clientele can learn just as quickly
on what is truly a value and what is simply hype. People
are more than willing to spend money online. A successful
internet marketer will treat the public like intelligent
adults who are able to determine what constitutes a bargain
and what does not.

As an internet marketer, ask yourself a few simple

What will it take to convince potential customers to bu'y
from you instead of the competition?

What will make your customers want to ask for a refund and
unsubscribe to your mailing list?

What makes people want to bu'y in the first place?

You can keep your customers interest by offering a valuable
product that will provide them knowledge. Your product or
service must offer them a way to speed the growth of their
own business. Your product will sell if it provides
internet marketers a way to automate certain tasks, freeing
their time to concentrate on creativity and marketing rather
than spend their valuable time on routine jobs. Once your
customers have become accustomed to a few sales letters,
they begin to search for what the product can truly offer
them. Original content and products that give customers a
unique value for their dollar are what attracts new

In general, people unsubscribe from mailing lists because
they repeatedly receive the same emails over and over. As
an internet marketer you must remember to move customers
from one mailing list to another after they have made a
purchase. Emails that give the identical information as
several other affiliates for the same product will lead to
the loss of customers. Your customers demand new
information presented to them in a way that makes you stand
out from the crowd. Keep in mind that once someone has
subscribed to your list, you will have to provide regular
mailings containing new information. Unique content is
absolutely necessary for the success of your internet
marketing business.

If your product does not live up to the promises you make,
you can expect customers to ask for a refund. Smart
customers will no longer simply chalk it up to a bad
experience. If your product or service does not provide
them exactly what you have promised, they will not hesitate
to ask for their money bac'k. To succeed as an internet
marketer, you must provide your customers value for their

There is always another internet marketer who is willing to
offer potential customer a superior value. If you expect to
profit, you must give your customers an exceptional product
at a fair price. Keep your mailing list updated and offer
unique content each and every time. The way you relate to
your customers is directly related to the profit's you can
expect to receive. Becoming an internet marketer is not
as simple as creating a web site and joining affiliate
programs. You will have to be vigilant in the work you put
into your business and the attention you give to your
customers.Eric White
PS: Brand NEW! People are getting paid instantly with this!
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Thursday, June 28, 2007

10 Ways for a WAHM to Have a Successful Day!

10 Ways for a WAHM to Have a Successful Day!

10. Pick one task that MUST get done and accomplish it First!
Be sure this is not a multi step task such as submit my
advertisement to 100 sites, that could take all day. You want this
one task to be something accomplished immediately so when the day
falls off track due to your toddler helping themselves to the
permanent markers, you know you've gotten something productive done
in your business.

9. Take a 10 minute break EVERY hour.
You wouldn't believe how happy your kids will be when you
take 10 minutes to fully devote to them. Set up a new game or
activity, color, play tag. Get them on a roll. Your next 50
minutes of working will be filled with laughter.

8. Make snacks FUN!
Nobody likes graham crackers in a bowl everyday. A little
effort into snacks can bring smiles. How about strawberries cut on
a plate, cool whip with drizzled chocolate syrup. Takes less than 5
minutes and your children will WANT to sit at the table.

7. Use the Crockpot.
During morning snack time, while the kids are at the table
with their fancy snack. Throw some meat in the crockpot, add some
spices, put the veggies on the table or in the crock. Dinner will
be ready in 15 minutes after your long day working at home.

6. Let's get Physical.
Don't forget kids have a ton of energy and you need to help
them use it up. During your 10 minute breaks, be sure at least 3 of
those are physically tiring activities. Besides you'll get your 30
minutes of exercise in for the day!

5. Use a Timer.
This is both for you and the kids. A large kitchen timer
that counts down 50 minutes at a time. Even the littlest of
toddlers will recognize the beep and realize it's Mommy time! You
can set it again for 10 minutes which will remind you and your
children its time for Mommy's work. This will keep your day flowing
without losing track.

4. Take One day OFF a week.
Places such as museums and zoos are less crowded during the
week. Take the day off, pack the kids a lunch and GO! You'll be
refreshed and more productive the next day. You won't believe how
many new ideas you can come up with when you walk away from the
computer for more than a minute. Plus, your kids will probably go
to bed early from the outing, you'll be able to check your emails in

3. Don't forget your Friends.
We have many different roles to play once we become Mommy.
Most of the time we forget to be a friend to our peers. Not just
our other Mommy friends that we met because of our kids, but the
friends that we don't talk to all the time or make playdates with.
Call the friend that you only see once and a while. Have lunch and
an adult conversation.

2. Take Time for Yourself
It's o.k. to read a book that doesn't talk about marketing
strategies. Spend 10 extra minutes in the shower and actually dry
off before you get dressed. Instead of making everyone's favorite
dinner, order out your favorite meal. You'll be a better person to
everyone when you take time for yourself.

1. Remember why You Choose To Stay Home!
When your frustration level is increasing, you can't get
anything done, your toddler just hit delete on the article you were
writing and the dog is barking....enjoy it. This is why you are
home. Step away from your work, take a deep breath, take time to
get the house rythym back and then worry about work. You're home to
love your kids when they need it most, take advantage of the
opportunity to handle challenging times, this is why you're a WAHM!Catherine Whitcher, M.Ed has been a successful WAHM for many years
a professional education practice, direct home sales and using the

Article Source:

See Yourself Losing Weight

One of the most important parts of losing any weight is your own vision... can you see youself at the weight you desire?

You literally can't lose weight if you see yourself overweight, or more importantly, not being able to lose weight... your mind won't let you. This is one reason so many struggle with weight loss... and keeping it off.

This is called physcological reversal. You say you want something, but your inner mind says just the opposite. You say you want to lose weight, but your mind says "it's too hard", "I can't do that", "never been able to do it, why now" or any other belief you've let settle in to your mind the past.

These beliefs in one way or another you've 'accepted' at some time in the past. You see, your subsconcious mind accepts anything you pass to it. It doesn't judge, analyze, reason, filter... nothing, it just accepts. If you've accepted in the past that it's too difficult to lose weight (for any reason), then almost any attempt to lose weight will fail unless you replace that negative belief.

Once you replace any old beliefs about weight loss, you can "picture" yourself at your ideal weight. And now, thanks to high tech, you can even do it right on your computer! Just visit and you can see your before and after pictures in almost real time! Brilliant idea. Just upload a current picture of yourself and the software will create a picture of what you you'll look like at your ideal weight (or a close resemblence). And by the way, it's free.

Keep the photo in a place where you can see it often and imagine yourself and how good you feel, the things you'll be doing and all the good feelings associated with your "new you".

You CAN do it!Mark Idzik reports on natural and alternative health and is an author and health coach helping his clients lose weight and make better health choices. Receive 37 free weight loss tips by visiting his site:

Article Source:

To Find Balance, Retreat!

When our lives get out of balance we experience stress. The

stress may come from work, relationships, health challenges,

legal challenges, the environment or any combination of

factors. Stress in of itself is not so bad but when experienced

regularly over time disease states arise: irritability, anxiety,

insomnia, headaches, feelings of helplessness, and indigestion.

Left unchecked chronic stress leads to depression, high blood

pressure, diabetes, heart disease, chronic anxiety, a

compromised immunes system, etc.

A time honored way of bringing balance into your life is with a

retreat. A retreat can help you regain balance and live

healthier in a number of important ways. First, when you

participate in a retreat you remove yourself from the regular

of stressors of daily life and by doing so create an

opportunity for your system to naturally come back into

balance. Sometimes we have lived so long with stress that we

have forgotten what it feels like to feel really good!

A retreat offers the possibility to feel good again. And having

this time away you can gain a fresh perspective of what is

causing the stress and consider what you might do to bring

about a healthier lifestyle.

When you combine retreat time with a natural healing modality

such as yoga you create an opportunity to renew and revitalize

your entire system - body, mind and spirit, at very deep

levels. You also have the opportunity to learn something new or

deepen into the practice of yoga. And through this experience

you may become inspired to practice regularly at home which

will further bring balance and health into your life.

Of course the ideal retreat includes delicious and nurturing

meals of whole foods, like minded people, time to play, and a

sacred environment where the healing power of nature can

support you: magnificent views, beautiful weather, the energy

of the land etc. It is for this reason that retreats are often

taken in the mountains, forests, by the ocean, or on tropical


Being in a beautiful natural environment also has another

powerful effect; you are reminded of the grandeur and beauty in

the world, and that in some way connected to this, regardless of

what is happening in your life. We are reminded that there is

something larger than ourselves, which leads to a mindset that

is more open - open to fresh possibilities and the creative


New environments also set the stage for fresh stimuli; input

which can trigger new ideas

and ways of thinking. This can come form a conversation with a

stranger, reading a magazine, exploring the local environment,

learning about the local culture or customes or simply trying a

new restaurant. A retreat offers the opportunity to break "out

of the box" - out of our habitual ways of thinking which in

turn fosters new perspectives and creativity.

While regaining balance, reducing stress, renewal are often

strong motivations for attending a retreat, there are many

other reasons people do this which include quiet time for

themselves, time to sort out some aspect of their lives, to

learn a new skill or deepen into a specific modality, to do

something nice for themselves or simply to have a vacation.

Before you go on a retreat - take time to think about why you

are going and what you want from that experience. Just as an

individual reasons for going on a retreat vary so do the many

types of retreats offered. Retreats can range in time from a

weekend, to week, to a month or longer. Some programs work with

the individual to create their own personalized retreat while

others are very structured and ask the participant to be

involved with many activities. Retreats can also be more like


Whatever your reasons may be to go on a retreat, whether it is

to reduce stress, regain balalnce, deepen your spirituality,

have a great vacation or a combinatn of things, a retreat can

be the perfect way to rebalance your life, renew your spirit

and live a happier, healthier life.Howard VanEs, M.A. has been studying and

practicing yoga for over thirteen years and is a certified yoga

teacher teaching in the East Bay area of San Francisco. He is

author of "Beginning Yoga: A Practice Manual", co-creator of

the audio CD "Shavasana / Deep Relaxation". 510-587-3399

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