Thursday, June 28, 2007

10 Ways for a WAHM to Have a Successful Day!

10 Ways for a WAHM to Have a Successful Day!

10. Pick one task that MUST get done and accomplish it First!
Be sure this is not a multi step task such as submit my
advertisement to 100 sites, that could take all day. You want this
one task to be something accomplished immediately so when the day
falls off track due to your toddler helping themselves to the
permanent markers, you know you've gotten something productive done
in your business.

9. Take a 10 minute break EVERY hour.
You wouldn't believe how happy your kids will be when you
take 10 minutes to fully devote to them. Set up a new game or
activity, color, play tag. Get them on a roll. Your next 50
minutes of working will be filled with laughter.

8. Make snacks FUN!
Nobody likes graham crackers in a bowl everyday. A little
effort into snacks can bring smiles. How about strawberries cut on
a plate, cool whip with drizzled chocolate syrup. Takes less than 5
minutes and your children will WANT to sit at the table.

7. Use the Crockpot.
During morning snack time, while the kids are at the table
with their fancy snack. Throw some meat in the crockpot, add some
spices, put the veggies on the table or in the crock. Dinner will
be ready in 15 minutes after your long day working at home.

6. Let's get Physical.
Don't forget kids have a ton of energy and you need to help
them use it up. During your 10 minute breaks, be sure at least 3 of
those are physically tiring activities. Besides you'll get your 30
minutes of exercise in for the day!

5. Use a Timer.
This is both for you and the kids. A large kitchen timer
that counts down 50 minutes at a time. Even the littlest of
toddlers will recognize the beep and realize it's Mommy time! You
can set it again for 10 minutes which will remind you and your
children its time for Mommy's work. This will keep your day flowing
without losing track.

4. Take One day OFF a week.
Places such as museums and zoos are less crowded during the
week. Take the day off, pack the kids a lunch and GO! You'll be
refreshed and more productive the next day. You won't believe how
many new ideas you can come up with when you walk away from the
computer for more than a minute. Plus, your kids will probably go
to bed early from the outing, you'll be able to check your emails in

3. Don't forget your Friends.
We have many different roles to play once we become Mommy.
Most of the time we forget to be a friend to our peers. Not just
our other Mommy friends that we met because of our kids, but the
friends that we don't talk to all the time or make playdates with.
Call the friend that you only see once and a while. Have lunch and
an adult conversation.

2. Take Time for Yourself
It's o.k. to read a book that doesn't talk about marketing
strategies. Spend 10 extra minutes in the shower and actually dry
off before you get dressed. Instead of making everyone's favorite
dinner, order out your favorite meal. You'll be a better person to
everyone when you take time for yourself.

1. Remember why You Choose To Stay Home!
When your frustration level is increasing, you can't get
anything done, your toddler just hit delete on the article you were
writing and the dog is barking....enjoy it. This is why you are
home. Step away from your work, take a deep breath, take time to
get the house rythym back and then worry about work. You're home to
love your kids when they need it most, take advantage of the
opportunity to handle challenging times, this is why you're a WAHM!Catherine Whitcher, M.Ed has been a successful WAHM for many years
a professional education practice, direct home sales and using the

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