Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Stimulants: Ritalin and its Friends

Recently, a mother accused me of being anti-medication.  She

looked at ADD ADHD Advances and saw that I discussed natural

treatments and concluded I must be against medication.  I told

the mother that she was mistaken. 

"In How to Help the Child You Love, I devoted several

sections to the appropriate use of medications.  The problem

is that very often, the medicines aren't being used properly. 

"If your child is having negative side effects from Ritalin

or Dexedrine or any of the other ADHD medications, I

discuss at great length in How to Help the Child You Love,

why that is and what you should do to eliminate those side


"For example, let's say the medicines don't control the

ADHD properly.  Or say the medicine does help, but your

child has trouble sleeping or has stomach problems.  What

if your child has terrible mood swings or rebound affects? 

What if your child develops tics?  Someone who is

anti-medication would say, `I told you so' and then

recommend that your child have his auras readjusted or

something like that. 

"I don't do that," I explained.  "I devote a large section of

How to Help the Child You Love to explain what you can

do so that the medication will work without the side effects. 

No child should have these side effect," I told her.  "You can

get the medicines to work well." 

"So," I concluded, "I am clearly not anti-medication.  I just

discuss non-conventional treatments in

How to Help the Child You Love, because you as a parent

need to know all their options when you are trying to find the

right treatment for your child."  

Anyway, to dispel any other misconceptions that I am anti-medicine,

I have decided to write this article on medication for ADHD.

            ****The Stimulants:  Ritalin and its Friends****

Whenever you consider the proper approach to treating ADHD, drugs

are always on the agenda.  The reason is that they work.  They

work very well.  The current research shows that between 75-95%

of children improve on stimulant medication.  No other treatment,

whether conventional or alternative is that effective.  Because of

these results, methylphenidate, known commercially as Ritalin, has

become the treatment of choice for many patients with ADHD. 

Ritalin is but one of a number of short-term stimulants used to

treat ADHD. 

Ritalin and the other members of this group are central nervous

system stimulants.  They share many of the chemical and

pharmacological effects of cocaine.  These stimulants appear

to boost available levels of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine. 

Although it seems paradoxical that a stimulant would help a child

who has difficulty sitting still, this is in fact what they do.

The good news about these drugs is that they work very well. 

Stimulant medications are the most powerful means that we have to

control the symptoms ADHD. 

These drugs:

       Enhance attention

       Control impulsive behavior

       Improve physical coordination

       Reduce hyperactivity

       Reduce aggression

       Reduce disruptive behavior

       Decrease activity

       Improve peer acceptance

       Increase parental praise

These drugs are a godsend.  They give ADHD children and adults a

chance to function somewhat normally for at least a short time

during their day.  That's the good news.

The bad news is that they are short acting.  These drugs work

for only three to four hours.  There are some extended release

preparations that work longer. 

There is another problem.  Although the current recommendation is

that these drugs be used in conjunction with behavioral training

and other forms of psychotherapy, in practice this combination

is not so common.  It seems that the insurance companies don't

feel they should pay for this.

These drugs have side effects.  These include:




       Decreased appetite

       Rebound affects



       Growth retardation

       Stomach pains

Don't get scared.  The list looks long, but most lists of medication

side effects look like this or are even longer.  In fact, for those

of you who like reading Stephen King or gothic novels, you should

try reading the list of side effects of the medicines you are

taking.  Now that's frightening!

You can eliminate almost of the side effects of these medications

and still use them effectively.  What disturbs me is that I don't

see most physicians doing this, which I why I felt I had to explain

to you what you should do in How to Help the Child You Love.  In

this area, you definitely have to take charge of your child's care.


These drugs are safe.  Ritalin is the most studied of all psychiatric

medications.  It has been around since the 1933, and there is no

evidence of any long-term side effects or problems.  Does that mean

it's completely safe?  No.  However, I am much more comfortable

giving my child Ritalin, than some of the "natural" treatments that

have never been studied and whose long-term effects are completely



It is generally felt that we as a society are too free when it comes

to giving out Ritalin to our children.  1-2% of all children and 10%

of school-aged boys in the United States are on Ritalin.  The

International Narcotics Control Board observed that Americans consume

90% of the Ritalin in the world.  These numbers suggest that we as a

society are carelessly drugging our children. 

I am not well versed in social commentary, and I am not going to


my opinion on this issue.  But I would like to point out that it is

estimated that up to 15% of children have ADHD.  Ritalin and the

medications in this category are still the most effective proven way

of at least temporarily helping them with their problem.  Yet only

2% of the children are receiving the drug.  Are we, perhaps, under

treating our children? 


If your child is on Ritalin or one of the other stimulants, you


not despair.  It could be your child would benefit more from one of

the others treatments we will be discussing, but Ritalin is a good

start.  However, you as a parent should not sit back if there are

unpleasant side effects.  As we discussed before, there is a lot you

can do to get rid of them.  It is up to you to take charge and be

your child's advocate.


Anthony Kane, MD

ADD ADHD Advances

Anthony Kane, MD is a physician and international lecturer. Get
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My name is Nikki Hughes and i would like to show you my personal experience with Ritalin.

I am 51 years old. Have been on Ritalin for 9 years now. I began taking it for depression after my marriage ended, and also in a misguided attempt to lose weight! I lost about 15 pounds at the beginning, had tons of energy, felt great...but the weight loss stopped within a few months.. I currently feel focused and motivated after I take it and am able to get a lot done. As well as the generic ritalin, I take 6 - 12 Tylenol 1 tablets a day. I know how bad this is, but can't seem to stop for more than a few days. The last nine years seem to be a's like I have lost those years....I hardly remember anything about them. I find this sad and frightening. I take what my doctor prescribed: three 10mg. tablets a day. I have tried many times to completely get off this drug but I now realize that I am truly addicted to it. If I stop taking it for more than one day I become extremely depressed and have very negative, hopeless thoughts and ideas.

I have experienced some of these side effects-
very irritable when it wears off; sometimes difficult to fall asleep, memory loss, hear music in my head that won't stop.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Niki Hughes

Ritalin Side Effects