Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christian Roommates - Keep Praying!

So you've found a group of Christian roommates to move in with. You now have a potentially wonderful center of support at your home. However, it's up to you and your new roommates to take advantage of living with fellow Christians. If you don't actively pursue God together, it will make no difference that you have roommates who are believers. Let's explore a few ways to really utilize the power of a group of Christians living together.
Firstly, be aware of each other's prayer concerns. Ask your roommates what their needs are. Make an easily updated list in a common room. Try putting a whiteboard up in the kitchen so that everyone can be kept up to date. And, of course, being aware of your roommates' needs isn't enough. You've got to actually be praying for them. View the rest of this article

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