Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I Never Made A Dime From Affiliate Reselling Until…

A friend in Atlanta sent me a private email directing me to a website he thought I ought to check out. He knew I was disillusioned with affiliate marketing and had all but chucked in the towel. And with good reason; I had never earned a dime for all my efforts spanning almost three years. But I’d spent money; money I’d accumulated from marketing my own produce, loads of money on this and that piece of software promising to get me out of the rut and into the money. But it never happened. That is until I opened my friend’s email, visited the website he suggested, and had my eyes opened to where and how I had been going so wrong for too long. What I was witnessing is the only genuine training and resource center on affiliate reselling that I have ever come across; no hy View the rest of this article

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