Friday, July 20, 2007

The Baby Boomer Wave of Capital is Crashing

The Baby Boomer Wave of Capital is going to crash! Do you want to be there to catch it? I love the metaphor of the wave. Have you ever tried surfing, even body surfing or just playing on a boogie board? Do you recall those feelings when you catch a wave just right and it carries you effortlessly to the beach? It’s a great feeling isn’t it? But, do you also remember how 9 times out of 10 you miss the wave? You end up just sinking and watching that wave roll away from you to crash on the shore? Now that can be kind of a downer can’t it? What if I could show the sweet spot? I wonder how, many of you would love to know exactly where to stand and exactly when to jump so you can catch that wave and have the ride of your life? Speaking of waves, the Baby Boom is more View the rest of this article

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