Thursday, July 5, 2007

Making Sure The Spark’s Fly Safely

If you were to ask most women about the electricity in their lives what do you think the main answer would be?

OK perhaps you think this is a trick question and that I am expecting an answer to do with either their husbands or partners sexual prowess.

Wrong again because in this case the majority of the replies would probably concern the inability of their partner to actually change a plug correctly.

Many people think they can change plugs and wiring within a house correctly and that because they see it accomplished so effortlessly on TV that it must be extremely easy. This probably accounts for the large numbers of men to be found inhabiting hospital accident and emergency departments at the weekend and during the holidays.

It is a fact that us men do not like to admit because we feel that it is an insult to our masculinity this inability to complete so basic a task successfully.

The other thing that you have to remember is that electricity is dangerous and that if you do not know what you are doing you can actually cause more harm and in extreme cases even kill yourself.

That having been said there is nothing more annoying and frustrating for a guy to arrive at his girlfriend’s or partners flat to find the object of his desire sitting on the floor surrounded by a myriad of wires and saying “ oh dear I appear to have done something wrong and can you fix it darling?”

Phrases like this are enough to strike terror into many a man’s heart as quite often solving the problem created by your dearly beloved can be more confusing when they have already started on the project and screwed it up even more.

That having been said, I have met more than a few women in my time who are more than capable of changing a plug and basic rewiring and accomplish these tasks every bit as well, if not better, than the average man.

So guys, if you really want to find the way to your loved one’s heart, then enrol for an evening class at the local Institute of technology and learn how to change a plug properly.

Either that or find a friendly electrician who can give you some coaching in basic electrical repairs and buy him a few beers for his time.Stephen writes about a number of Internet Issues such as Electricians Jobs,  Electricians Apprenticeship and also about DIY issues generally of which more can be found here at

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