Sunday, October 21, 2007

Attraction: How To Ignite It Without Ignorning Your Flaws

There are certain things that instantly kill attraction between a man and a woman. You're fascination with chess openings, or your knowledge of different kinds of Swiss army knives for example. Most guys have some weird thing they do which women hate. So the question becomes... how do I handle this in a way that doesn't make her lose attraction toward me? Most men try to hide it. I don't think this is the best strategy. I have no scientific research, but my intuition has led me to believe this communicates with women: “I am not completely comfortable with who I am.” Big turn off. How do you handle it? First, let's agree on one thing. Attraction has it's own rules. These rules don't coexist with logic. They are largely based on emotion. It is absolutely essential View the rest of this article

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