Saturday, October 13, 2007

Bread made easy

Breadmakers are rather strange things. They’re surprisingly big kitchen appliances with only one use: they bake bread. Now, baking bread isn’t really that hard, but breadmakers claim to make it so super-easy that you can eat freshly-baked bread every day for the rest of your life. Much like those machines that make you orange juice every day from fresh oranges, however, the necessity of this is debatable. To use a breadmaker, all you need to do is add the ingredients of bread (flour, milk, yeast and so on) and turn it on – you can even get special ‘bread mix’ to use if fresh ingredients are too much trouble for you. The machine will make dough from your ingredients and then bake it into a loaf of bread. The bread typically tastes quite good, but won’t las View the rest of this article

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