Tuesday, October 30, 2007

"Cold Calling" Software Talks to your leads for you, It's called "Gold Calling"

"Cold Calling" has a new way to contact your leads. "Cold Calling" Software Talks to your leads for you, It's called "Gold Calling"
"Cold Calling" is a thing of the past and most people really do hate it so much that they would rather not pick up that phone to place their "cold calls" on a daily bases.
This causes loss of income due to lack of "cold calling" and when the fear sets in, it can cause that person to lose everything he or she has dreamed of.
Lets face the facts 99% of the people that have to do "cold calling" really hate it and that's why 95% of the home base businesses in the United States fail.
From lack of new prospects hearing about their new product or service, "cold calling" is just to hard for most people to do.

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