Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Flashlights As An Indispensable Tool

In an age when even our cars are sending us e-mails about needing oil changes or spark plugs, something like the flashlight just doesn�t really impress us. Much like it did for our grandparents, a flashlight just shines light and eats batteries like there�s no tomorrow. You don�t see any flashlights with digital LED readouts or Internet access�so what�s the point? Even in this brave new world of wireless technology, the flashlight remains an indispensable tool.

At the end of it all, a flashlight simply produces illumination. That�s it�no more and hopefully no less. Simple yet completely functional even in our technological age, the flashlight remains as needed as ever. Power outages remain a constant threat and Hurricane Katrina cer View the rest of this article

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