Thursday, August 9, 2007

Estrogen Dominance: Losing the Healthy Hormonal Balance

Insomnia, mood swings, irregular bleeding, irritability, anxiety, water retention, low thyroid symptoms, depression, fat gain (especially around hips, thighs, and abdomen), fibrocystic breasts, uterine fibroids, and low sex drive. If you're a woman approaching middle age, there's a good chance that you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms. Often my patients ask me, "Am I going crazy? Why does it seem like my body is rebelling against me?" The answer may be as simple as having too much estrogen in your system-a condition known as estrogen dominance.

Most women are aware that as they enter perimenopause their bodies begin to produce less estrogen. So how is it possible that along with that decrease the body may actually have too much estrogen?

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